I just wanna take this opportunity to thank all those people who visited this blog. And also, my deepest gratitude to those who posted their comments and gave me some advices. Every comment that this blog received really made me happy. I'm really happy whenever I can share my own thoughts but it makes me even happier whenever someone share their own thoughts. To be able to share all of these made me think that "I'm really glad that I tried creating a blog even though it was just a whim, back then."

Oh right.... If I have some mistakes, please don't hesitate to tell me. Comments or even suggestions will do especially in my grammar... I'm aware that I have some but I just don't know where. I'm prone in making mistakes so please bear with me...

Again, Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! c^_-)v

====NOTE: Again,sorry and thank you to those who visit my blog while I was busy with other things to be finished....====

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Quote for the day....

It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.

-- Seneca

Well, I just thought of posting another quote today. I just got a whim of looking for a quote and somehow this quote caught my attention. Besides, I'm just a simpleton who just do things. Hahaha. *cough* Anyway, well, I just thought that this quote somehow relates to me and maybe to other people too. There are people who are afraid of doing something that made them decide not to do it. And when they are asked why, they just said that it's difficult and there's a great possibility that they might fail in the end. Well, I have that kind of personality too. There are times when I need to make a decision then suddenly, there are so many "What Ifs" that play in my mind that just makes me feel like I want to back out. Whenever I reminisce those things, I just have this feeling of regret. There are so many "what Ifs" but in the end, those "What Ifs" were just added by another "What Ifs" like "What will happen if I tried doing that back then?". Somehow, it makes me realize that there are things that will happen just once in our life and we shouldn't let those chances slip. We're lucky if a second chance will be given to us but what if there's none, right? For me, I think it's just normal for a person to fear many things but still, if we don't try to face those fears then nothing will happen to us. Not risking anything means risking even more. The life that's given to us is a once in lifetime chance so we might just as well live life to the fullest. Besides, happiness, love, success and even mistakes, sadness and failures are some things that we shouldn't regret experiencing so why not accept them as if they're part of our journey to grow.

SoooOooo that's that for me,... Study, Study, Study... Hopefully, I'll be able to achieve my goal this time besides I'm grateful for having second chance...^_^


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