I just wanna take this opportunity to thank all those people who visited this blog. And also, my deepest gratitude to those who posted their comments and gave me some advices. Every comment that this blog received really made me happy. I'm really happy whenever I can share my own thoughts but it makes me even happier whenever someone share their own thoughts. To be able to share all of these made me think that "I'm really glad that I tried creating a blog even though it was just a whim, back then."

Oh right.... If I have some mistakes, please don't hesitate to tell me. Comments or even suggestions will do especially in my grammar... I'm aware that I have some but I just don't know where. I'm prone in making mistakes so please bear with me...

Again, Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! c^_-)v

====NOTE: Again,sorry and thank you to those who visit my blog while I was busy with other things to be finished....====

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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Octave - Chapter 30

Octave - Chapter 30

Here's the most anticipated chapter of Octave scanlated and released by Tranquil Spring wherein Yukino and Setsuko finally got reunited. Well, the chapters from this manga keeps getting better and better...

Awwww.. Setsuko's really sweet for waiting for Yukino's return. And also, a blushing Setsuko is really cute.... Hhmm, it's like Yukino became more mature and casual than before. Back then, she's really polite whenever she speaks with Setsuko. She even adds -san... Hhmmmmm c",)???

And Setsuko has changed too. Looks like their parting changed them in some way. Yukino talks like she's older than Setsuko. It's somehow refreshing to see them like this once on a while.

Heeehhh---- Nice one there, Yukino!!! *thumbs up* It's a good thing that they were able to convey their feelings and at the same time, they were able to clear all their misunderstandings.

Here's my favorite part of this chapter... It made me think "that is so true"... Many people might disagree but for me, it's really true that there's no such thing as forever. That nothing will remains the same and the only permanent in this world is change.  But despite that, I still believe in words like "unforgettable moment" or "memorable moment". It doesn't matter if it will last forever or not, just as long as you were able to do everything that is needed to be done without any sign of regret. It's like "live like there's no tomorrow". Some people fall in love with someone but get scared that it may not last that's why they hesitate to love to the fullest, but I totally disagree on that way of thinking. I think it's better that we give our 100% love even if there's a possibility that time will come that both of you will part. Instead of thinking on how long it will last, why not think of ways that you can do to make every moment unforgettable. It's better to love and lose love than to not have loved at all.

Future is one to be considered but don't you think that present is more important. We can remember our past but there's nothing we can do about it since it already happened and we can plan our future but plans are still just plans, we don't even know if we can follow it. But present, it is the moment where we can do what we want. It is the only moment where we can correct the things that we want correct in our past and do something as a stepping stone for our future. Anyway' it's just my opinion... I just can't forget Yukino's line.... *peace* =P

It's pretty obvious that they're head over heels in love with each other. SO cute!!!! ^_^


Sachiko said...

I love your blog. :)Thank you for adding me to your blogroll! I shall return the favor! :) Seems like you're really enjoying Octave. It's definitely one of the best mature series I've ever seen. I hope it inspires more mangaka to go down that path. I wish I was still able to work on it. I had fun while I did though! :) Do you tweet? Follow me if you do! :) "Sachikosama"

Jhayzelkhulet said...


Thank you for the visiting this blog... I really appreciate it a lot. I've known your blog for months because of your summaries of different mangas like Ebisu-san and Hotei-san, Love DNA XX etc. I'm also gonna take this opportunity to thank you for all your hard work because of the projects that you're into.

About Octave... Yeah! A lot! ^_^ The chapter keeps getting better and better that made me want to look forward for its future chapters.

I don't have one but I think I'll try it... I haven't thought of anything aside from this blog since I'm still trying to learn how this works. Thanks for the invitation...^_^

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